Боттомфидер-моды и атомайзеры (squonk-моды). Выбор и обсуждение.

Тема у розділі 'Батарейные блоки', створена користувачем plsn, 10.05.2017.

  1. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    В последнее время нарастает популярность т.н. боттомфидер-модов или сквонков. С учетом, что темой активно заинтересовались китайские производители, думаю, она будет развиваться и не мешает сводный тред по данной тематике. Итак,

    Боттомфидер (англ. bottom – низ, feed – питание) (сквонк мод, фингер-бокс) – мод ЭС, сочетающий в себе комбинацию батарейного блока (бокс-мода) и емкости для жидкости. Жидкость по специальному каналу через отверстие в центральном пине подается в атомайзер (чаще дрип-атомайзер, реже – RDTA, и даже бак). Атомайзер при этом так же должен иметь отверстие в центральном пине (т.н., BF-пин).

    При нажатии на емкость (пластиковый флакон) жидкость под давлением поднимается по каналу (трубочке) и через отверстия в центральных пинах попадает в атомайзер, пропитывая фитиль. При отпускании пальца избыток жидкости возвращается назад во флакон. Т.о., перелив дрипки практически исключен.

    История возникновения сквонк-модов возвращает нас в далекий 2009-й год на все тот же форум ECF (e-cigarette-forum.com), когда пользователь форума Carlos49 представил сообществу свою разработку под названием JuiceBox. Коммерческих целей он не преследовал, да и представленная им модель была еще очень сырой – использовала встроенный атомайзер, была громоздкой и сложной в повторении. Под спойлером одни из ранних обзоров JuiceBox, где вы можете представить, о каком устройстве идет речь (да-да, вот такие были обзоры :) ).

    На коммерческую основу производство боттомфидеров поставил участник того же форума - Robert O’Neil, назвав свой мод REO. Устройство работало на аккумуляторе 18650 и в качестве испарителей использовались 306/801-901 и 510 атомайзеры. В продажу REO поступил в 2010-м году и пользовался большой популярностью. Стоимость, к слову, была все лишь $128



    (c) Фото взяты с ECF, все права на них принадлежат их авторам.

    Следует отметить, что REO до сих пор считается «золотым стандартом» боттомфидеров. Сам O’Neil несколько раз пытался разработать более совершенное устройство, однако – безуспешно.

    Можно сказать, что в последующие годы разработка сквонк-модов в большей части велась руками моддеров-любителей, энтузиастов и небольших групп. Каждый мод – своего рода авторский шедевр. Соответственно и цена таких устройств не особо отличается гуманностью (по нашим меркам). В конце я дам ссылки на темы боттомфидеров на есигталке, где можно посмотреть наиболее интересные образцы. Из русскоязычных видеообзоров порекомендую канал Рустама (Элвиса), который уже не развивается, но хранит обзоры некоторых авторских сквонков.

    Собственно такие факторы как ограниченное производство, немалая стоимость и своего рода труднодоступность, поначалу сделали сквонки уделом достаточно ограниченной группы пользователей ЭС. И речь идет не только о т.н. «постсоветском пространстве», т.е., у нас :) Кмк, говорить о какой-то массовости использования боттомфидеров за рубежом тоже неправильно.




    Однако время и преимущества сквонков (компактность, отсутствие необходимости носить с собой пузырек с жидкостью и при этом использовать дрип-атомайзер) все же толкали производство вперед. Появление современных плат вывело разработку на новый уровень. В сквонк-моды начали устанавливать платы. Ну или в боксмоды начали ставить сквонк-систему :) Устройства становились все более привлекательными и все больше желающих приобрести себе сквонк появлялось. Такой спрос не могли не заметить крупные компании, работающие на рынке ЭС. Проще говоря, за дело взялись китайцы :) Такие компании как Kangertech, Eleaf, HCigar, Lost Vape и др. занялись производством и продажей собственных боттомфидеров. Это не считая армии клоноделов. Так что, как говаривал последний генсек – «процесс пошел» :)


    Я планирую в дальнейшем данную статью убрать под спойлер и в этом посте собрать (по возможности) наиболее популярные и доступные боттомфидеры и атомайзеры, работающие с ними. Собрать, так сказать, справочную информацию. Буду признателен за помощь в сборе этой информации. Ибо технология действительно интересная.

    Боттомфидер моды(squonk mod's). БФ атомайзеры и всё, что с этим связано. Обсуждаем оригиналы и клоны.
    Боттомфидер Боксмоды. Squonk. FingerBox. Оригинал. Где купить. Новинки, ссылки, информация.
    Канал Vape Garage
    Squonking at Fasttech: FastTech Forums (1я тема)
    Squonking at Fasttech: FastTech Forums (2-я тема)

    Обзоры на форуме :
    Боттомфидер Eleaf Pico Squeeze 50W
    Stentorian RAM BF Squonker MOD
    Останнє редагування: 22.03.2018
    Boonkers, Владимир55574, platynum та 13 іншим подобається це.
  2. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    Моды (оригиналы)

    $55.99 Authentic Vandy Vape Requiem BF Mechanical Box Mod Kit - 6ml / 1*18650 at FastTech - Free Shipping
    механический мод на 1*18650, кит с РДА, блокировка кнопки
    Ширина 24 mm
    Вісота 96.5 mm
    Глубина 42 mm
    Обїем 6 ml
    Вес 250 g
    $59.99 Authentic DOVPO Topside Lite 90W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 1*18650/20700 / 100-315'C(200-600'F) / polycarbonate + PCTG at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 28.2 mm
    Высота 97.5 mm
    Длина 58 mm
    Вес 135 g
    • Polycarbonate + PCTG construction
    • Power range: 5-90W
    • Temperature range: 100-315'C (200-600'F)
    • 0.96" OLED display screen
    • Input voltage: 3.2-4.2V
    • Output voltage: 0.8-8.5V
    • Resistance range: 0.08-3.5ohm
    • Temperature control(Ni, Ti, SS), TCR user mode and variable power
    • Comes with squonk mode battery cover & non-squonk mode battery cover, support squonk mod and standard mod
    • Powered by single 18650 or 20700 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Leak resistant 510 base
    • Micro-USB charging port
    $53.25 Authentic Wotofo Dyadic Squonk 200W VW APV Box Mod - built-in 8.5ml squonk bottle / 2*18650 / 5-200W at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Боксмод от Wotofo на 2х18650 и 8.5мл жидкости
    Ширина 37.3 mm
    Высота 82.4 mm
    Длина 61 mm
    Вес 120 g
    Wotofo Dyadic Squonk Mod adopts industry-leading inner chip which has an instant fire speed of 0.0001s. It features three power modes and can fire down to 0.05ohm, supporting your pro-level dual coil setup. Easy-to-loosen connector design ensures no more stuck-on-mod trouble. Feel elevated flavor with this super powerful mod.
    • Zinc alloy + velvet rubber coating construction
    • TFT 0.96inch color screen display
    • Battery type: dual 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Working voltage: 6.6-8.4V
    • Wattage range: 5-200W
    • Working modes: STANDARD/ POWERFUL/ POWERFUL+
    • Resistance range: 0.05-3.0ohm
    • Max charging current: 1800mA+-150mA
    • Squonk bottle capacity: 8.5ml
    • It utilizes industry-leading inner chip, has an instant fire speed of 0.0001s
    • It is a regulated mod that’s able to fire down to 0.05ohm. So it supports your pro-level dual coil setup
    • Featuring an easy-to-loosen connector design, there’re no more stuck-on-mod tragedies
    • With dual 18650 battery setup, it works longer and outputs steadier
    • It has a side-filling 8.5ml squonk bottle, on-mod refilling becomes more convenient
    • Whether you prefer left hand or right hand, it’s both super easy to operate
    • Come and feel its velvet rubber coating surface, plus these solid and clicky buttons
      • Assured safety protections are built-in with the Dyadic
      • Automatic atomizer recognition
      • Low resistance protection
      • Low voltage protection
      • Overheating protection
      • Short circuit protection
      • 10s auto cutoff protection
    • 510 threading connection
    • Micro-USB charging port
    $170.00 Authentic ULTRONER Aether Squonker 80W TC VW APV Box Mod - 5-80W / 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / alumimum alloy + stabilized wood at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 30 mm
    Высота 79 mm
    Длина 47 mm
    Вес 108 g
    The Aether squonk mod is the result of a collaboration between Vapouround Magazine and Ultroner. We wanted to bring vaping enthusiasts a compact, ergonomic, regulated squonk device, made from the very best materials our industry has to offer.
    • Wattage: 5-80W
    • Working mode: TC/VW
    • Oil bottle capacity: 7ml
    • Powered by single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • 0.91 OLED screen display
    • Stylish material with aluminum alloy and stable wood
    • Exquisite design and portable size
    • Advanced chipset with stable TC/VW modes
    • Easy-operated buttons & 0.91 OLED Screen
    • 7ml super capacity oil storage bottle
    • 510 threading connection
    Мехмод под 18350 и 4мл бутылочку. Корпус - PEI+нержавеющая сталь
    $78.90 SXK RAVE Mini 67 Squonk 18350 Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18350 / built-in 4ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 56 mm
    Длина 45 mm
    Вес 72 g
    $42.29 Authentic Wismec LUXOTIC SURFACE 80W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 1-80W / 1*18650 / built-in 6.5ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 25.5 mm
    Высота 78 mm
    Длина 43.5 mm
    Вес 132 g
    WISMEC LUXOTIC SURFACE, the smallest squonk box with 0.49inch OLED screen, is compact and ergonomic enough to lead the vaping industry. Powered by single replaceable 18650 cell, WISMEC LUXOTIC SURFACE is capable of firing up to 80W, offering you more powerful output than ever.
    • E-liquid bottle capacity: 6.5ml
    • Powered by single high-rate 18650 battery (discharging current should be above 25A, battery sold separately)
    • Output mode: VW/Bypass/TC-Ni/TC-Ti/TC-SS/TCR mode
    • Output wattage: 1-80W
    • Resistance range: 0.05-3.5ohm
    • Maximum charging current: 2A
    • Output voltage range: 0.5-9V
    • Smallest single battery squonk mod with 0.49inch OLED screen: the single 18650 battery mod WISMEC LUXOTIC SURFACE with 0.49inch OLED screen is super compact in size, defeating all the squonk boxes in the e-cig market.
    • Food grade silicone e-liquid bottle, easy to squeeze: featuring the soft food grade silicone bottle, the squonking is quite easy. Simply squeeze the bottle, the WISMEC LUXOTIC SURFACE will feed e-liquid via the specially designed squonk system directly into the bottom-fed atomizer.
    • Powered by an upgraded Avatar Chip with max power of 80W: Avatar chip is known for its excellent and the utmost quality and stability, providing you more powerful output than you can imagine.
    • Instant fire, faster than ever: with the rapid, stable yet safe firing rate of 0.001s, the quick heating system will bring you rich flavor and dense clouds with the very first puff.
    • Multiple circuit protection system applied: the WISMEC LUXOTIC SURFACE comes with multiple circuit protection systems, realizing overall protection of the device, which make it much securer and more reliable.
      • Over-charge protection
      • Over-discharge protection
      • Over 10s protection
      • Short-circuit protection
      • Over-current protection
      • Reverse polarity protection
      • Temperature protection
    • Gorgeous colors and patterns, colorful vaping life: the attractive side cover is replaceable, and you can update the box mod whenever to your preference.
    • Charging: please take out the cell and charge it through external charger.
    • Spring-loaded firing button
    • Micro-USB charging port
    1*18650/20700 / 5-81W
    Ширина 27.6 mm
    Высота 82 mm
    Длина 54.5 mm
    Вес 200 g
    The Blitz Vigor TC Squonk Mod, powered by single 18650/20700 battery with 81W max output with VW/TC Mode, is a newly-designed compact and stylish squonk mod. The Blitz Vigor Mod comes with a 0.91 inch OLED display that indicates the vaping status including resistance and wattage. Together with a 10ml large e-juice squonk bottle, it can extend the vaping time.
    • Classic design, elegant appearance
    • Output wattage: 5-81W
    • Equipped with 0.91 inch OLED screen
    • Resistance range: 0.08-3.0ohm
    • Output mode: VW/Bypass/Curve/TC
    • 10ml silicone squeeze bottle
    • Houses single 18650/20700 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Spring-loaded firing button
    • 510 threading connection
    • Micro-USB charging port
    $30.25 Authentic Blitz Vigor 81W Squonk TC VW APV Box Mod - 1*18650/20700 / 5-81W at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Мехбокс на 18650 и бутылочкой 8мл. Корпус - алюминий, кнопка - ultem
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 85 mm
    Длина 50 mm
    Вес 280 g
    $43.48 Kindbright Reactor Styled Squonk 18650 Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / aluminum alloy at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Боксмод на 2*18650 и плате DNA250C
    $139.00 Authentic Lost Vape Drone 200W DNA250C TC VW Squonk Box Mod - 1-200W / 2*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / PC + zinc alloy at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 50 mm
    Высота 96 mm
    Длина 41.5 mm
    Вес 175 g
    Meet Drone BF DNA250C, the upgraded version of the first edition of Drone BF, allowing you to seize a longer and powerful squonking time. With the PC material, different color options, the advanced replay mode, and Lost Vape quality, Drone BF 250C empowers you to experience a different squonking style.
    • PC + zinc alloy construction
    • Max power: 200W
    • Built-in 8ml squonk bottle
    • Atomizer capacity: 36mm
    • DNA250C chipset: the most advanced BF DNA 250C
      • Evolv's patented replay
      • Boost
      • On-The-Go USB
      • Wattage control
      • Temperature protection
    • Replay: replay is intended to capture the flavor and satisfaction of the "perfect puff" and provide the same level of performance and consistency on all subsequent puffs.
      • Prevent dry hit
      • Extend battery life
      • Extend life span of pods
      • Consistent flavor & vapor
    • Boost: the DNA 250C supports Boost functionality when not used with a temperature sensing atomizer to briefly increase the initial power output at the start of a puff
    • USB charging & firmware upgrade: the DNA 250C supports Boost functionality when not used with a temperature sensing atomizer to briefly increase the initial power output at the start of a puff.
      • 2AMP: built-in onboard charger
      • Support: vaping is supported while charging
      • CELL balancer: monitoring and charging each cell individually
      • Escribe: customizable setting & firmware upgrade
    • USB On-The-Go & power bank: the OTG allows Drone DNA250C to sever as a power bank for other USB supportive devices
    • Spring-loaded firing button
    • 510 threading connection
    • Micro-USB charging port
    Боксмод от Dovpo на 2x18650 с 10мл бутылочкой
    $89.99 Authentic DOVPO Topside Dual 200W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 5-200W / built-in 10ml squonk bottle / 2*18650 / zinc alloy + aluminum alloy + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 54 mm
    Высота 88.5 mm
    Длина 42 mm
    Вес 200 g
    The TOPSIDE DUAL is the newest version of the innovative TOPSIDE Squonk mod that is created by Brian from The Vapor Chronicles YouTube channel. This game changing squonk mod has all the innovation from the original single battery TOPSIDE but now offers more power and extended battery life. This hard hitting device offers 200W of regulated power and uses dual 18650 batteries. The TOPSIDE DUAL offers a large 10ml squonk bottle eliquid capacity (backward compatible with original topside bottle and sled), simple top filling and an easy to use interface which makes this the perfect addition to those who want more power and extended battery life. Powerful and Simple squonking has arrived with the TOPSIDE DUAL.
    • Zinc alloy + aluminum alloy + stainless steel construction
    • Power range: 5-200W
    • Voltage range: 1.0-12.0V
    • Resistance range: 0.08-3.0ohm
    • Powered by dual 18650 batteries (batteries sold separately)
    • Quick charging: 5V/2A
    • Built-in 10ml silicone squonk bottle
    • Simple top filling
    • Easy-to-use user interface
    • 0.96'' OLED screen display
    • Leak-resistant 510 connection
    • Spring-loaded firing button
    • Micro-USB charing port
    Боксмод от Dovpo на 1*21700/20700/18650 с 10мл бутылочкой
    $84.99 Authentic DOVPO Topside 90W TC VW Squonk Box Mod - 5-90W / built-in 10ml squonk bottle / 1*21700/20700/18650 / zinc alloy + aluminum alloy + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 27 mm
    Высота 92 mm
    Длина 54 mm
    Вес 200 g
    Topside is a collaboration between the Vapor Chronicles and Dovpo. We are so proud to announce the Topside as world's first top fill squonker. No more removing RDA's and using refill bottles or removing bottles with leaking juice. Simply remove the lid and fill up 10ml. It's really that simple.
    • Zinc alloy + aluminum alloy + stainless steel construction
    • All parts that have contact with e-liquid are made from food grade stainless steel and silicone.
    • Input voltage: 3.2-4.2V
    • Output voltage: 1-8.5V
    • Resistance range: 0.08-3.5ohm
    • Wattage: 5-90W
    • 0.96" OLED screen
    • Built-in 10ml squonk bottle
    • Working mode: variable wattage, bypass, temperature control
    • Spring-loaded firing button
    • Firmware upgradeable
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 21700/20700/18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Micro-USB charging port
    • Power range: 5-220W
    • Working voltage: 6.4-8.4V
    • Working current: <50A
    • Output voltage: 0.5-8V
    • Coil resistance range: 0.05-3ohm (TC 0.05-1.5ohm)
    • Ergonomically Designed: The fire button and squonk bottle are on the same side, creating a natural feel and ease of use
    • Powered by an Upgraded Vandy Chip with max power of 220W: We pursue excellence and the utmost quality and stability for the Vandy Chip. Vandy Chip uses top-grade IC at an affordable cost to the consumer
    • Vandy Chip Function
      • TC: Temperature control mode
      • V: Voltage regulation mode
      • BP: Bypass mode
      • ST: Standby time
      • BRI (Brightness adjustment): 100%-80%-50%-30%; Default is 50%
      • PRST: To reset the vaping times
      • RST: Restores factory settings
    • Protections
      • Short Circuit Protection
      • Over-heat Protection
      • Battery Management System
      • Open Circuit Protection
      • 10 Seconds Cut-off
      • Overcurrent Protection
    • Equipped with 7ml juice bottle
    • Powered by 2*18650 batteries (batteries sold separately)
    Ширина 41.7 mm
    Высота 75.3 mm
    Длина 52.9 mm
    Вес 250 g
    $59.99 Authentic Vandy Vape Pulse Dual 220W Squonk TC VW APV Box Mod - 5-220W / 2*18650 / equipped w/ 7ml juice bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Механический мод под 1х18650 из стаб.дерева
    The Luna Squonker box mod, a collaboration with Ultroner. The Asmodus Luna is constructed of 6063 aluminum alloy and Stabilized wood. The Ultroner Luna is a single-battery unregulated Squonker mod that packs a punch whilst boasting an aesthetic design. The Ultroner x Asmodus Luna Squonker Box mod is simple to turn on and off; simply click the fire button 5 times and the LED will flash Green. Refilling the bottle is an easy task as well, there is a cap on the bottom of the device to remove the bottle. The Luna has a chip that to protects the user from a plethora of safety issues! There is a LED light within the Luna to indicate there is an issue. The chip protects the user from these issues: Negative Polarity; The LED will flash green when you install the battery correctly, the LED will not flash if installed incorrectly. When the user's battery hits 3.3v the mod will shut off, protecting the mod, battery health and most importantly, the user; The LED will flash RED five times indicating your battery is at 3.3v. The mod will automatically shut off when firing the mod for over 10 seconds to prevent any auto-firing moments. The LED will flash red if the luna detects a short in the user's atty. When the Luna Squonker mod reaches over 85 degrees, the mod will shut off automatically to prevent any accidents.
    • 6063 aluminum + stabilized wood construction
    • built-in 6ml squonk bottle
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Resistance range: 0.1-3ohm
    • Atomizer resistance range: 0.1-2.5ohm
    • Standby current: 50UA
    • Spring-load firing button
    • 510 threading connection
    $88.97 Authentic asMODus Luna Squonk 18650 Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 6ml squonk bottle / 6063 aluminum + stabilized wood at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Формат аккумуляторов - 18650/20700
    The authentic Hugsvape Surge squonk mod is a TC VW box mod constructed from PC and glass fiber. Powered by single 18650 / 20700 battery , it is able to reach up to a maximum output power of 80W. And the battery door is strongly held by magnets. The Surge Squonk Mod also support 4 working modes: Power, W-VPC, Bypass and TC to meet different vaping needs.
    • PC + glass fiber construction
    • Max output voltage: 9V
    • Standby current: ≤20uA
    • Wattage range: 7-80W
    • TC range: 100-315'C / 200-600'F
    • Powered by single 18650 or 20700 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Working modes: Power / W-VPC / Bypass / TC / TC modes: TC-SS / TC-NI / TC-TCR / TC-TI
    • 6ml food grade silicone bottle: comfortable to squeeze and makes bottom feeder more efficiently
    • Multiple protections:
      • Low resistance warning
      • Over time protection
      • Low voltage protection
      • Short atomizer protection
      • Over heat protection
      • Over discharge protection
    • Spring-loaded firing button
    • 510 threading connection
    • Micro-USB charging port
    Ширина 25.7 mm
    Высота 79 mm
    Длина 54.4 mm
    Вес 98 g
    $39.99 Authentic Hugsvape Surge 80W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 7-80W / 100-315'C(200-600'F) / built-in 6ml squonk bottle / 1*18650/20700 at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Поддержка аккумуляторов формата 18650/20700/21700
    Ширина 27 mm
    Высота 82.6 mm
    Длина 54.8 mm
    Вес 95 g
    • Built-in 8ml squonk bottle
    • Replaceable panel with magnetic structure design
    • Power range: 5-90W
    • Resistance range: 0.05-3ohm(VW)/0.05-1.5ohm(TC)
    • Output voltage: 0.5-8.5V
    • Standby current: <30uA
    • Temperature range: 100-315'C/200-600'F
    • Easy Grip squonk bottle
    • New refill bottle, support top filling and bottom filling
    • Rapid firing and precise output control with Vandy Chip
    • Vandy Chip
      • We pursue the excellent quality and highest stability
      • Consists of top-grade IC at affordable costs
        • Overheating protection
        • Open circuit protection
        • Short circuit protection
        • Over current protection
        • Overtime protection
        • Low-battery warning
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 18650/20700/21700 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Micro-USB charging port
    $59.99 Authentic Vandy Vape Pulse X 90W Squonk TC VW APV Box Mod - 5-90W / 100-315'C(200-600'F) / 1*18650/20700/21700 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 41 mm
    Высота 80 mm
    Длина 41 mm
    Вес 200 g
    The "Basium" is an easy to use, small, dual battery 180W/8V squonk mod, created by the vaping biker and dovpo. Designed to fit with everyday life, simple, functional and effective.
    • Zinc alloy construction
    • 6ml soft silicone squonk bottle
    • Wattage output range: 5-180W
    • Voltage output range: 1-8V
    • Resistance range: 0.08-3.5ohm
    • Intuitive 0.96" OLED screen
    • Working mode: variable wattage & variable voltage
    • Superior zinc alloy chassis
    • Intuitive firing bar
    • Two adjustment buttons
    • Bottom-loaded hinged battery door
    • 10s overtime protection
    • Low voltage protection
    • Over temperature protection
    • Spring-loaded 510 connection
    • Micro-USB charging port
    • Houses dual 18650 batteries (batteries sold separately)
    $79.99 Authentic DOVPO Basium 180W VV VW Squonk Box Mod - 5-180W / 1-8V / built-in 6ml squonk bottle / 2*18650 / zinc alloy at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Поддерживает аккумуляторы 1*21700/20700/20650/18650
    Zinc alloy + special rubber coating construction
    Output voltage: 3.2-4.2V
    Max output power: 80W
    Max charging current: 2A
    Input: 5V/2A
    Bottle capacity: 8ml
    Resistance range: 0.08-3.0ohm
    Luxury curve and recurve enriching your life with great taste
    Unregulated mechanical mod experience in 80W power output
    Excellent chipset for built-in full safety protection
    Short circuit protecrtion
    Low voltage protection
    Overheaing protection
    10s auto cutoff protection
    Reverse battery protection
    Overcharging & over discharging protection
    Ergonomic shape plus smooth surface, unspeakable joy to use
    High quality squonk bottle and unique indicator light
    510 threading connection
    Powered by 1*21700/20700/20650/18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    Micro-USB charging port
    Ширина 27 mm
    Высота 90 mm
    Длина 60.5 mm
    Вес 110 g
    Объем бутылочки 8мл
    $39.95 Authentic Wotofo Recurve 80W Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*21700/20700/20650/18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / zinc alloy at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Поддерживаемый формат аккумуляторов - 1*18650/20700/2*18650/20700
    Just as the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. Being multifunctional and versatile, LUXOTIC MF BOX undoubtedly satisfies you in various ways to vape as squonk mod and box mod. The device comes with optional ergonomically designed circuit boards for your preference, which are direct output board with faddish indicator lights and variable voltage board. Another highlight is that the 18650 and 21700 cell can be used interchangeably. Overall, LUXOTIC MF BOX will be a good choice for sophisticated vapers in terms of appearance and performance.
    • Max output wattage: 100W
    • Squonk e-liquid capacity: 7ml
    • Optional Avatar Circuit Boards to Cater to Your Taste: Powered by Avatar technology, the LUXOTIC MF BOX is equipped with optional direct output board and variable voltage board. Moreover, they can be used interchangeably, which absolutely provide you more choices.
    • Interchangeable 18650 and 21700 Cell for More Convenience: You can use single high rate 21700 battery and enjoy an earthly vaping experience for the all day long. Still, you can also use single 18650 battery with the help of a battery sleeve and dual 18650 batteries with a connector.
    • Multiple Circuit Protection Systems Applied: Multiple circuit protection systems are applied, realizing the overall protection of the device, which make it much securer and more reliable.
      • Over-charge protection
      • Over-discharge protection
      • Over 10S protection
      • Reverse polarity protection
      • Over-current prottection
      • Temperature protection
      • Short-curcuit protection
    • Replaceable 510 Component
    • Charging: Please take out the cells and charge them through external charger.
    • Spring-loaded firing button
    • 510 threading connection
    • Powered by 1*18650/20700 battery or 2*18650/20700 batteries (batteries sold separately)
    Ширина 27.6 mm
    Высота 87 mm
    Длина 47.5 mm
    Вес 185 g
    $39.19 Authentic Wismec Luxotic MF Box Squonk Box Mod - 1*18650/20700/2*18650/20700 / w/o screen at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Кит с дрипкой
    Ширина - 25 mm
    Высота (кита) 130 mm
    Длина 40 mm
    Вес (кита) 289 g
    $59.80 Aleader BHIVE 100W TC VW APV Box Mod Kit - 93-315'C(200-600'F) / 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / zinc alloy + resin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Atomizer Features:
    • Resin + zinc alloy construction
    • 510 threading connection
    • 24mm overall diameter
    Mod Features:
    • Resistance: 0.1-3ohm (VW) / 0.05ohm-1ohm (TC)
    • Temperature range: 93-315'C / 200-600'F
    • Input voltage: 3-4.3V
    • Zinc alloy + resin construction
    • 7ml silicone squonk bottle
    • Spring-loaded fire button
    • Powered by single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Micro-USB charging port
    • 510 threading connection
    Ширина 28 mm
    Высота 78 mm
    Длина 56 mm
    Вес 177 g
    $54.56 Authentic Eleaf Pico Squeeze 2 100W TC VW APV Squonker Box Mod (Purple) - 1*18650/21700 / 7-color LED / built-in 8ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    The Pico Squeeze 2, an upgraded version of previous Pico Squeeze, is a new regulated Squonker that features an easy-to-squeeze silicone bottle and a decorative 7-color LED. The refillable Squonk bottle can hold an ultra huge amount of e-liquid of 8ml, extending the time between refills. Powered by single 21700 or 18650 battery, the Pico Squeeze 2 provides adjustable wattage and can fire up to 100 watts. With a faster firing speed, the Pico Squeeze 2 delivers an instant and unprecedented vaping with no delay. It is a must-have for all build enthusiasts to enjoy vaping to the most.
    • Output wattage: 100W max
    • Output voltage: 0.5V-9V
    • Charging current: 2A max
    • Resistance range
      • 0.05ohm-3ohm (VW/Bypass mode)
      • 0.05ohm-1.5ohm (TC-Ni/Ti/SS/M1/M2/M3 mode)
    • Regulated Squonker with Intuitive Display: The Pico Squeeze 2, a regulated Squonker mod, is equipped with a 0.49 inch screen that displays all essential information clearly.
    • 8ml Squonk Bottle & Decorative 7-Color LED: The refillable Squonk bottle can hold an ultra huge amount of e-liquid of 8ml, extending the time between refills. The 7-color LED is a plus to the stunning looking of Pico Squeeze 2.
    • Easy to Fill and Squeeze: The Pico Squeeze 2 implements personalized designs of a soft silicone Squonk bottle, adding more convenience to fill and squeeze.
    • New Advanced Chip: The Pico Squeeze 2 utilizes a new Avatar chip to provide a faster firing speed than ever. Just enjoy vaping with no delay!
    • Multiple Protections: Over-charge protection / Over-discharge protection / Over-current protection / Reverse polarity protection / Over 10s protection / Short circuit protection
    • High Compatibility: The Pico Squeeze 2 can handle atomizers up to 26mm diameter without overhang.
    • Functions of Micro USB Port
      • Charging: the 18650 / 21700 battery can be charged in the Pico Squeeze 2 through the USB port via wall adapter or computer or charged with an external battery charger.
      • The Pico Squeeze 2 allows a maximum charge current of 2A, making charging process faster.
      • Firmware upgrading: the firmware can be upgraded by connecting the device with a computer through the USB port via a micro USB cable.
    • Powered by single 18650 or 21700 battery (battery sold separately)
    [SPOILER="Authentic Desire RAGE 155W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod"]
    Ширина 41 mm
    Высота 82 mm
    Длина 51 mm
    Вес 244 g
    [URL='https://www.fasttech.com/products/1/10042592/9656578-authentic-desire-rage-155w-tc-vw-apv-squonk-box']$99.99 Authentic Desire RAGE 155W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 5-155W / 200-600'F / 2*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping[/URL]
    [*]Power range: 5-155W
    [*]Output voltage: 0.5-8V
    [*]Output Current: 40A
    [*]Temperature range: 200'F-600'F
    [*]0.69 inch screen diaplay
    [*]Powered by dual 18650 batteries (not included)
    [*]Bottle filling: Add e-liquid is more convenient
    [*]Battery adapter: The RAGE Squonk box is a dual 18650 cell, temperature control and squonk mod box designed and developed by DESIRE DESIGN & ohm Boy.
    [*]RAGE 155W-Chip:
    [*]Short circuit protection
    [*]Over charging protection
    [*]Lom auto lock protection
    [*]Low voltage protection
    [*]Over vaping protection
    [*]USB charging
    [*]BY PASS mode: The RAGE Squonk has new BY PASS mode (maximum output allowed by 40amp chip 155W)
    Механический мод под аккумуляторы формата 18650/20700/21700. Материал корпуса - полифениленсульфид.
    Ширина 30 mm
    Высота 87 mm
    Длина 54 mm
    Вес 131 g
    $56.00 Thunderhead Creations Thunder Storm BF Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - PPS / 1*18650/1*21700/1*20700 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 79 mm
    Длина 48 mm
    Вес 150 g
    $74.90 Authentic Hotcig RSQ 80W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 200-600'F / 1-80W / zinc alloy / 1*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • Zinc alloy construction
    • Resistance range: 0.1-3ohm
    • Output wattage range: 1-80W
    • Temperature control range: 200-600'F
    • Powered by the HM chip
    • Temperature control supports the following wire types: Ni200, Nickel, Titanium, 303/304/316 stainless steel with adjustable initial resistance and adjustable TCR
    • 0.91''OLED display
    • Dual adjustment buttons and an oversized firing button
    • Spring-loaded internal contacts
    • Built-in 8ml squonk bottle
    • Powered by single 18650 battery (not included)
    • Micro-USB charging port
    • 510 threading connection
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Кит с Revvo Boost Tank
    Revvo Boost Tank Features:
    • 2ml juice capacity
    • Glass tank
    • Detachable structure, easy for cleaning
    • Top airflow control without leakage
    • BF pin compatible with most squonk mods
    • Innovative ARC coil
    • 510 threading connection
    • 24mm overall diameter
    Feedlink Mod Features:
    • Resistance range: 0.1-0.14ohm
    • Output voltage: 3-4.2V
    • 0.86'' OLED display
    • 7ml food-grade silicone squeeze bottle
    • Top fire button with battery life indicator
    • Powered by single 18650 battery (not included)
    • Spring loaded 510 connector
    Ширина - 30 mm
    Высота (кит с дрипкой) - 124 mm
    Длина 48 mm
    Вес 350 g
    $70.14 Authentic Aspire Feedlink Squonk Box Mod + Revvo Boost Tank Kit - 2ml / 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / w/ BF pin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Механический мод на 18650 от asMODus. Корпус - стабилизированное дерево. Бутылочка-"помпа" на 8мл
    Ширина - 28 mm
    Высота - 89 mm
    Длина - 45 mm
    Вес 250 g
    $115.95 Authentic asMODus Pumper-18 Squonk 18650 Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / 304stainless steel + stablized wood at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Механический мод от Lost Vape под аккумуляторы формата 18650/20700/21700. Емкость бутылочки - 9мл. Блокировка кнопки
    Ширина 27 mm
    Высота 84 mm
    Длина 50 mm
    Вес 170 g
    $89.00 Authentic Lost Vape Furyan Squonk 18650 Mechanical Mod - 1*18650/1*20700/1*21700 / built-in 9ml squonk bottle / ULTEM + brass + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • Power range: 5-155W
    • Output voltage: 0.5-8V
    • Output Current: 40A
    • Temperature range: 200'F-600'F
    • 0.69 inch screen diaplay
    • Powered by dual 18650 batteries (not included)
    • Bottle filling: Add e-liquid is more convenient
    • Battery adapter: The RAGE Squonk box is a dual 18650 cell, temperature control and squonk mod box designed and developed by DESIRE DESIGN & ohm Boy.
    • RAGE 155W-Chip:
      • Short circuit protection
      • Over charging protection
      • Lom auto lock protection
      • Low voltage protection
      • Over vaping protection
      • USB charging
    • BY PASS mode: The RAGE Squonk has new BY PASS mode (maximum output allowed by 40amp chip 155W)
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 82 mm
    Длина 51 mm
    Вес 243 g
    $66.29 Authentic Desire RAGE 155W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 5-155W / 200-600'F / 2*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / 0.69 inch screen diaplay at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    The authentic Arctic Dolphin Anita Squonk Box Mod is a regulated BF mod, which can reach maximum output up to 100W with single 18650, 20700, or 21700 battery (not included). With the 0.96inch OLED screen, all necessary vaping data can be displayed on it. The resistance range is from 0.06 to 1 ohm (TC) / 0.06 to 3ohm (VW).
    • Variable wattage: 5W-100W
    • Temperature control: 200'F-600'F / 93'C-343'C
    • TC resistance range: 0.06-1ohm
    • Watts resistance range: 0.1-2.5ohm
    • Work input voltage Range: 6.0-8.4V
    • Max output voltage: 7V
    • Max output current: 45A
    • Charge input voltage range: 4.75-5.5V
    • 0.96 inch OLED white screen
    • Powered by single 18650/20700/21700 battery (not included)
    • Micro-USB charging port
    Ширина - 30 mm
    Высота - 91 mm
    Длина 57.5 mm
    Вес 150 g
    $32.65 Authentic Arctic Dolphin Anita 100W TC VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 5-100W / 93-343C'(200-600F') / 1*18650/20700/21700 / ABS frame + PU leather at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Мехбокс под 1*18650/20700
    Ширина - 27 mm
    Высота - 83 mm
    Длина 52 mm
    Вес 78 g
    $13.55 Authentic Coil Father Bravo BF Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650/20700 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / PC at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Чип DNA75
    • Aluminum + stainless steel construction
    • Variable wattage: 1W-75W
    • Temperature control: 200'F-600'F / 93'C-316'C
    • Output voltage: 0.2V-6.2V
    • Built-in 8ml squonk bottle
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 18650/20700/21700 batteries (batteries sold separately)
    • Micro-USB port
    Ширина 25 mm
    Вісота 85 mm
    Длина 60 mm
    Вес 230 g
    $91.12 Marvec Priest BF DNA75 75W TC VW APV Box Mod - 1-75W / 93-316'C(200-600'F) / 1*18650/1*20700/1*21700 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 27 mm
    Высота 82 mm
    Длина 56 mm
    Вес 285 g
    Vandy Vape Pulse BF 80W Squonk Box Mod is a collaboration by Vandy Vape and Tony B. The new Pulse BF Mod is no longer a mechanical mod, but a regulated mod with built-in Gene chip, which is also used in Voopoo Drag and Alpha One. With 80W maximum output and 8ml bottom feeder bottle, Pulse BF 80W Mod will bring you better squonking experience.
    • Variable wattage: 1W-80W
    • Standby current: <30UA
    • Output voltage: 0.5-8.5V
    • Resistance range: 0.05-3ohm (VW) / 0.05-1.5ohm (TC)
    • Temperature range: 200-600'F/100-315'C
    • Input voltage range: 3.2-4.2V
    • Output Mode: VW/TC-Ni/TC-Ti/TC-SS316/M1-M5/TC-NC/TCR
    • Powered by Gene chip
    • 8ml silicone bottle
    • 95% working efficiency
    • 0.010 second firing response time
    • Tactile firing but ton
    • Interchangeable dual magnetic battery panels
    • Gold plated battery contacts
    • Spring loaded gold plated 510 pin
    • 2A Micro USB rechargeable
    • Firmware upgradeable
    • Protections: short circuit, over-current, switch timeout, over-heat, over-charge, over-discharge
    • Houses single 18650/20700 battery (battery sold separately)
    $83.99 Authentic Vandy Vape Pulse BF 80W TC VW APV Box Mod - 5-80W / 200-600'F(100-315'C) / 1*18650/1*20700 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / w/ 30ml refil bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Блокировка кнопки. Бутылочка 8мл
    Ширина 24.5 mm
    Высота 72 mm
    Длина 46 mm
    Вес 58 g
    $14.49 Authentic Coil Father Squonk Mini Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / nylon at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Кит с дрипкой. Поддержка аккумуляторов 18650/20700/21700 формата. Блокировка кнопки
    Ширина - 27 mm
    Высота (с дрипкой) 112.5 mm
    Длина 47.5 mm
    $49.90 Vzone Simply Squonk Mechanical Box Kit - 1*18650/1*20700/1*21700 / built-in 5ml squonk bottle / w/ BF pin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Кит с дрипкой. Мехбокс под аккумуляторы формата 18650/20700. Блокировка кнопки
    Ширина - 26.5 mm
    Высота (с дрипкой) 116.5 mm
    Длина 50 mm
    Вес 138 g
    Бутылочка - 8мл
    $32.44 Authentic Serisvape Closers BF Mechanical Box Mod Kit - 1*18650/1*20700 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / aluminum + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 25.1 mm
    Высота 76.7 mm
    Длина 43.2 mm
    Вес 250 g
    Бутылочка - 7.5мл
    $31.67 Authentic Wismec LUXOTIC 100W Squonk Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7.5ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping




    ABS пластик. Поддержка аккумуляторов формата 18650/20700/21700
    Плата с защитами (от низкого/высокого сопротивления, от перегрева, от короткого замыкания, от неправильной полярности, от перезаряда и переразряда)
    Ширина 30 mm
    Высота 85 mm
    Длина 49 mm
    Вес 160 g
    $22.00 Authentic Vapor Storm Raptor Squonk Mechanical Mod - 1*18650/1*20700/1*21700 / built-in squonk bottle / ABS at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Материал - resin
    Ширина - 24 mm
    Высота - 83 mm
    Длина - 47 mm
    Вес - 65 g
    $49.80 Aleader Funky Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / resin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Кит с дрипкой MAZE V1.1. Блокировка кнопки.
    Ширина 26 mm
    Высота (кит) 110 mm
    Длина 46 mm
    Вес (кит) 146 g
    Ширина - 30 mm
    Высота - 88 mm
    Длина - 55.4 mm
    Вес - 300 g
    Бутылочка - 8мл
    Geekvape GBOX Squonker box mod is a stunning technology catering to Squonk enthusiasts, integrating a Squonk-ready system with a high powered AS chipset, featuring real power output of up to 200W, full temperature control with TCR adjustments. An ergonomic design with enlarged OLED display.
    • Resistance range: 0.05-3.0ohm
    • Temperature range: 100-315'C/200-600'F
    • Output mode: VW/VPC/TC/TCR/BYPASS
    • Extremely powerful and accurate AS chipset
    • Advanced chipset power up to 200W
    • Enlarged OLED display for detailed visual
    • 8ml Squonk bottle for higher capacity
    • Supports Ni200, Ti and SS
    • Durable battery lock mechanism
    • Smart charging management
    • Spring loaded 510 connector
    • Micro-USB port-passthrough capacity
    • Houses dual 18650 batteries (batteries sold separately)
    В виде кита с дрипкой RADAR
    $88.88 Authentic GeekVape GBOX Squonker 200W TC VW APV Box Mod Kit (Standard Edition) - 2*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / 100-315'C(200-600'F) at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Отдельно без дрипки
    $66.88 Authentic GeekVape GBOX Squonker 200W TC VW APV Box Mod (Standard Edition) - 2*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / 100-315'C(200-600'F) at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Блокировка кнопки, подпружиненный коннектор
    • Carbon fiber and 24K gold construction
    • 7ml food grade PET squonk bottle
    • Fire button with safe lock
    • Spring-loaded 510 threading connection (gold plated)
    • Houses single 18650 battery (not included)
    Ширина 24 mm
    Высота 75 mm
    Длина 50 mm
    Вес 150 g
    $23.44 Authentic Wotofo Nudge Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / carbon fiber + 24K gold at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Кит с дрипкой. Мод на два аккумулятора формата 18650. Материал корпуса - алюминий.
    Ширина 45 mm
    Высота 82.5 mm
    Длина 45.5 mm
    Вес 220 g
    $68.42 Authentic DOVPO Armour Mechanical Mod Kit - 2*18650 / built-in squonk bottle / anodized aluminum at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $59.64 Authentic Dovpo Armour Mechanical Mod Kit - 2*18650 / built-in squonk bottle / anodized aluminum at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Мехмод от HCigar. VT Inbox без платы. Кит с дрипкой Maze v1.1
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 85 mm
    Длина 46 mm
    Вес 155 g
    $54.00 Authentic HCigar Magic 18650 BF Mechanical Mod Kit - 1*18650 / built-in 8ml e-liquid storage bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Механический мод под 18650/20700/21700
    Ширина 30 mm
    Высота 78 mm
    Длина 52.3 mm
    Вес 200 g
    Вместимость бутылочки - 9 мл
    $33.53 Authentic IJOY CAPO Squonker 100W Box Mox - 1*18650/1*21700/1*20700 / built-in 9ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • Tank capacity: 9ml
    • Max wattage: 100W
    • Resistance range: 0.05 - 3.0 ohm
    • Suitable tank: no overhang with 26 mm tanks
    • The first 20700 Squonk MOD with 100W output
    • Unique custom user mode
    • Intuitive OLED display
    • Oversized rectangular firing mechanism
    • Adjustment buttons below screen
    • Top battery slot and big fire button
    • Top-loaded threaded battery cap
    • Squonk-ready bottom-feeding section
    • Short circuit protection
    • Overcurrent protection
    • Overvoltage protection
    • Overcharge protection
    • Also compatible with 21700/18650 cell
    • Tiny and ergonomic size
    • Battery type:
      • high-rate 21700 battery (continuous discharge current≥40A, NOT included)
      • high-rate 20700 battery (continuous discharge current≥40A, NOT included)
      • high-rate 18650 battery with adapter (continuous discharge current≥25A,NOT included)
    • 510 threading connection
    • Micro-USB port
    Кит с дрипкой. Мод рассчитан на использование с двумя аккумуляторами формата 18650/20700
    Емкость бутылочки - 10мл
    Ширина - 45 mm
    Высота - 116.3 mm
    Длина - 51 mm
    $49.43 Authentic IJOY CAPO 216 SRDA Squonker 216W VW APV Box Mod Kit - 0.13ohm / 2*18650/2*20700 / built-in 10ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    CAPO 216 Squonker features:
    • Max wattage: 5-216W
    • Squonk bottle capacity: 10ml
    • Suitable tank: no overhang with 25mm tanks
    • Battery door snap-fit design
    • Squonk bottle is easy assembly and disassembly
    • Compatible with dual 20700/18650 batteries
    • Compact chassis box mod
    • Fashionable and colorful appearance
    • The advantage compared with other squonk mod: Safe, powerful and long battery life
    • Battery type:
      • high-rate 20700 battery (continuous discharge current≥40A, sold separately),
      • high-rate 18650 battery with adapter (continuous discharge current≥25A, sold separately)
    • 510 threading connection
    • Micro-USB port



    Длина 45mm
    Высота 88,5mm
    Ширина 31mm
    Authentic Sigelei Fuchai Squonk 213 150W Black 5ml TC VW Mod Kit
    Sigelei Fuchai Squonk 213 150W Mod Kit - $54.99
    $51.12 Authentic Sigelei Fuchai Squonk 213 150W VW APV Box Mod Kit - 10W-150W / 1*18650/1*21700/1*20700 / built-in 5ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Aluminum alloy and zinc alloy construction;
    Wattage range: 10~150W
    Modes: POWER / Ti1 / Ni200 / SS304 / SS316 / SS317;
    Voltage input: 3.2~4.2V;
    Powered by 1 x 18650 / 20700 / 21700 battery (not included);
    Resistance range: 0.1~3.0ohm;
    E-juice capacity: 5ml;
    Coil supporting: Kanthal / SS (304 / 316 / 317) / Titanium / Ni200 / TCR;
    0.96 inch TFT color screen;
    Micro USB charging support: DC 5V / 2A
    Останнє редагування: 29.03.2021
    serg_z, Tugarin, 74Alex74 та 5 іншим подобається це.
  3. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    Моды (оригиналы). Продолжение

    Мехбокс от CoilAR. Поддерживает аккумуляторы формата 18650, 20700 и 21700. Анодированный алюминий, позолоченные контакты
    Длина 50mm
    Вісота 85.5mm
    Ширина 27mm
    Authentic CoilART Azeroth Black Aluminum 7ml Squonk Mechanical Box Mod
    $47.52 Authentic CoilART Azeroth Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650/20700/21700 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / aluminium + carbon fiber at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Мехмод от GeekVape. Блокировка кнопки, подпружиненный коннектор. Под 1х18650
    Вес 150g
    Длина 46mm
    Высота 73mm
    Ширина 25mm
    Authentic GeekVape Athena Black 6.5ml 18650 Squonk Mechanical Box Mod
    $49.99 Authentic GeekVape Athena Squonk 18650 BF Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 6.5ml squonk bottle / aluminum at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Мехмод от Vandy Vape. ABS-пластик, блокировка кнопки, подпружиненный коннектор, медные контакты, возможность использовать аккумуляторы 18650 или 20700, 8мл бутылочки, кастомизируемые сменные панели
    Ширина - 27mm
    Высота - 77mm
    Длина - 50mm
    Вес - 170g
    Вместимость бутылочки - 8мл
    Authentic Vandy Vape Pulse Cyan 8ml BF Squonk Mechanical Mod
    сменные панели
    Authentic Vandy Vape Blue Front + Back Panel for Pulse BF Squonk Mod
    $67.99 Authentic Vandy Vape Pulse BF Mechanical Mod Kit - 1*18650/1*20700 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / nylon + ABS + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Механический 3D-принт от YiLoong
    Ширина 27 mm
    Высота 84.5 mm
    Длина 47 mm
    Емкость бутылочки - 13мл
    $35.95 Authentic YiLoong Predator 18650 Mechanical Mod - 3D printed / 1*18650 / built-in 13ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 72 mm
    Длина 45 mm
    Вес 62 g
    Вместимость бутылочки - 8мл
    $49.94 Authentic YiLoong S18 18650 Mechanical Mod - 3D printed / 1*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    3D-принт вариватт от Yiloong Vape.
    Ширина 27.5 mm
    Высота 86 mm
    Длина 58 mm
    $64.24 Authentic YiLoong Predator 80W TC VW APV Mod - 1-80W / 200-600'F/93-315'C / 1*18650 / built-in 13ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • ABS construction
    • Wattage: 1-80W
    • Temperature Control Range: 200-600'F/100-315'C
    • 3D printed technology
    • Regulated squonking style box mod
    • Copper 510 contact
    • Removeable 13ml capacity bottle
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    Вес - 82g
    Длина - 53mm
    Вісота - 83mm
    Ширина - 25mm
    Authentic Aleader Box Killer 80W Red Resin 7ml TC Squonk Box Mod
    $37.26 Authentic Aleader Box Killer 80W BF Squonker TC VW APV Box Mod - 5-80W / 100-315'C(200-600'F) / 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Resin body;
    Wattage range: 1~80W;
    Temperature range: 93~315'C / 200~600'F;
    Temperature control suite: Ni200, titanium, stainless steel 316 (SS316);
    Support resistance: 0.1~3ohm (VW), 0.05~1ohm (TC);
    Powered by 1 x 18650 battery (not included);
    7ml soft silicone squonk bottle;
    Spring loaded 510 threading connection
    Материал корпуса - resin. Подпружиненный коннектор
    Ширина - 32 mm
    Высота 97 mm
    Длина 47 mm
    Вес 150 g
    Вместимость бутылочки - 7мл
    $36.46 Authentic Aleader X-Drip 18650 BF Squonk Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / resin / random color at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Материал - анодированный алюминий. Формат аккумулятора - 18650 или 20700. Силиконовая бутылочка
    Ширина - 25 mm
    Высота - 80 mm
    Длина - 50 mm
    Вес - 106 g
    $36.00 Authentic Steel Vape Phoenix 18650/20700 BF Mechanical Mod - 1*18650/1*20700 / built-in 6.8ml squonk bottle / aluminum at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Материал - стабилизированное дерево или синтетическая смола (resin)
    Блокировка кнопки. Позолоченные контакты. Подпружиненый центральный пин
    Ширина - 24 mm
    Высота 78.5 mm
    Длина 46.8 mm
    Вес 63 g
    This mod is an elegant wood/resin style Squonker device with a bottom feeding design. Powered by a single 18650 cell, plus a 7ml huge squonk bottle, the RAM BF MOD offers a full day vaping without frequent refilling. It has a fire button with a safety lock to prevent accidental firing too. The 24K gold 510 connector and fire button ensure the best electronic conductivity too. The Stentorian RAM works well with 22mm/24mm atomizers in diameter. Available in 4 colors.
    • Resin construction
    • Fire button with safe lock
    • One peek with 510 adapter to prevent the top of mod overheating
    • All metal parts are 24k gold material to ensure the best electronic conductivity
    • 510 spring contact pin to support all atomizers
    • 24mm 510 adapter support all 24mm & 22mm diameter atomizers
    • 3pcs PET food grade bottles with 7ml capacity
    • Powered by 1*18650 battery (not included)
    $52.40 Authentic Stentorian RAM 18650 BF Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / resin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $52.40 Authentic Stentorian RAM 18650 BF Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / resin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $54.13 Authentic Stentorian RAM 18650 BF Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / padauk at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $52.40 Authentic Stentorian RAM 18650 BF Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / resin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Механический мод из алюминия под аккумуляторы формата 20700 и 18650
    Ширина - 25 mm
    Высота - 80 mm
    Длина - 50 mm
    Вес - 104 g
    $36.00 Authentic Steel Vape Phoenix 20700 BF Mechanical Mod - 1*20700 / built-in 6.8ml squonk bottle / aluminum alloy at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Кит с атомайзеров (RTA/RDA). 3D-принт сквонкер с платой VW
    Ширина - 26 mm
    Высота - 84.5 mm
    Длина - 56 mm
    Вес - 200 g
    $71.61 Authentic YiLoong Squonker XBOX 80W VW APV Mod Kit - 3D printed / 1*18650 / built-in 13ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $71.61 Authentic YiLoong Squonker Predator 80W VW APV Mod Kit - 3D printed / 1*18650 / built-in 13ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $71.61 Authentic YiLoong Squonker Geyscano V2 50W VW APV Mod Kit - 3D printed / 1*18650 / built-in 13ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $71.61 Authentic YiLoong Squonker Geyscano V2 50W VW APV Mod Kit - 3D printed / 1*18650 / built-in 13ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • Nylon construction
    • 3D printed technology
    • Regulated squonking style box mod
    • 80w output
    • Copper 510 contact
    • Removeable 13ml capacity bottle
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    Ширина 26.4 mm
    Высота 88.1 mm
    Длина 29.4 mm
    Вес 249 g
    $51.95 Authentic Steam Crave Squonk 60W TC VW APV Box Mod - 7-60W / 200-600'F / 1*18650 / built-in 10ml liquid bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • Variable wattage: 7W-60W (in 1W increment)
    • Temperature control: 200'F-600'F (in 10'F increments)
    • 5 times click to turn ON/OFF
    • Hold up and down button to lock/unlock
    • Under unlock mode, hold the fire button and up button to shift TC/VW mode (TC mode will only work with Ni200 wire)
    • 0.91'' OLED screen displays temperature, wattage, voltage, atomizer resistance and battery level
    • Voltage range: 3.1V-4.2V
    • Resistance range: 0.1-4ohm
    • Protection
      • Overtime protection
      • Short-circuit protection
      • over-temperature protection
      • Low voltage protection
      • Open circuit protection
      • Battery protection
    • 510 threading connection
    • Spring-loaded center pin
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Micro-USB charging port
    ABS пластик, блокировка кнопки, 10мл бутылочка
    Ширина 26 mm
    Высота 79.5 mm
    Длина 47.5 mm
    Вес 71 g
    $20.51 Coppervape BF V2 Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - authentic / 1*18650 / w/ 10ml squonk bottle / ABS at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Высота – видимая 68мм, полная (с крышкой батарейного отсека) – 75мм
    Длина 46мм
    Ширина 23мм
    Вес – 74гр
    $17.84 Authentic Eleaf Pico Squeeze 50W 18650 Mechanical Mod (Silver) - aluminum / 1*18650 at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Обзор - Боттомфидер Eleaf Pico Squeeze 50W
    Ширина 46mm (1.81 inch)
    Высота 88mm (3.46 inch)
    Длина 56mm
    Вес 200гр
    Original Geekvape GBOX S100 Squonk Mod-63.60 Online Shopping| GearBest.com
    Ширина (RDA) 22 mm
    Высота 82 mm
    Длина 39 mm
    Емкость 7 ml
    Вес 170 g
    Максимальная мощность - 160вт
    Минимально допустимое сопротивление - 0.2Ом
    Аккумуляторі - 2х18650
    $50.57 Authentic Kanger Dripbox 160W TC E-Cigarette Starter Kit (Silver) - 7ml / 0.2ohm / 2*18650 at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping


    Ширина 23 mm
    Высота (+RDA) 150 mm
    Длина 57 mm
    Емкость 7 ml
    Вес 225 g
    $40.76 Authentic KangerTech Dripbox 2 80W TC VW APV Box Mod Kit - 7ml / 5-80W / 100-315'C(200-600'F) / 1*18650 at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • Material: zinc alloy
    • Variable wattage: 5W-80W
    • Temperature control: 100'C-315'C / 200'F-600'F
    • TC mode: Ni200/Ti/SS
    • 7ml juice capacity
    • OLED display
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Micro-USB port
    Ширина 26 mm
    Высота 89 mm
    Длина 59 mm
    Объем емкости 5 ml
    Вес 231 g
    • Variable wattage: 1W-80W
    • Temperature control: 200'F-600'F (Ni/Ti/SS)
    • All-in-one design: Rebuildable squonker-style platform
    • Zinc alloy construction
    • OLED display
    • 5ml juice reservoir
    • Bottom-feed juice design
    • Squeeze juice section for dripping
    • Spring-loaded center pin
    • 510 threading connection
    • Bottom-Loaded battery cover design
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    $54.87 Authentic Council of Vapor Wraith 80W Squonker VW TC Box Mod Kit (Black) - 1-80W / 200-600'F / 1*18650 / 5ml juice reservoir at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Оригинальный чип Evolv DNA75
    $78.95 Authentic HCigar VT Inbox 75W TC VW APV Box Mod Kit - 1-75W / 200-600'F(100-300'C) / 1*18650 / built-in 8ml e-liquid storage bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    (кит с дрипкой Maze V2 RDA)
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 126 mm
    Длина 54 mm
    Вес 190 g
    Емкость 8мл
    • Powered by Evolv TC chip
    • Zinc alloy construction
    • Variable wattage: 1W-75W
    • Temperature control: 200'F-600'F / 100'C-300'C
    • Temperature control mode: SS/Ni/Ti
    • Customized fashion LED fire light
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Micro-USB port
    Оригинальный чип Evolv DNA75
    $65.92 Authentic HCigar VT Inbox V3 75W TC VW APV Box Mod - 1-75W / 200-600'F(100-300'C) / 1*18650 / built-in 7ml Squonk Bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 83 mm
    Длина 54 mm
    Вес 147 g
    Бутылочка - 7мл
    The Authentic Hcigar VT Inbox V3 75W TC VW Box Mod is powered by Evolv DNA75 chip from USA, making it easy to operate and the maximum output can reach to 75W. Using single high-rate 18650 battery, it can be charged directly via USB or replacing the battery to achieve duration. The USB port is not only for charging, but also for connecting to computer to customize through Escribe software. VT Inbox is also squonk-friendly with inner 7ml bottom feeder bottle.
    • Adopt the American Evolve DNA75 temperature control chip
    • Aluminum construction
    • Variable wattage: 1W-75W
    • Temperature control: 200'F-600'F / 100'C-300'C
    • Output voltage: 0.2V- 6V
    • Temperature control mode: SS/Ni/Ti
    • Customized fashion LED fire light
    • Double-sided magnet cover plate design, can choose multi-clock cover plate
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    • Micro-USB port for charging and upgrading through Escribe software
    Оригинальный чип Evolv DNA 250 (управляем до 166вт)
    Ширина 41 mm
    Высота 94.5 mm
    Длина 50 mm
    Вес 240 g
    Емкость 11мл
    $127.95 Authentic Lost Vape Drone BF DNA166 Squonker Box Mod - 1-166W / 200-600'F(100-300'C) / 2*18650 / zinc alloy at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • 11ml Squonk Bottle
    • Variable wattage: 1W-166W
    • Temperature control: 200'F-600'F / 100'C-300'C
    • Min Kanthal Resistance: 0.1ohm
    • Min Temperature Resistance: 0.08ohm
    • Patented Evolv DNA250 Chip
    • Intuitive OLED Display
    • Die Cast Zinc Alloy Chassis Construction
    • Stainless Steel Face Plate
    • Magnetize Battery Cover
    • Highly Responsive Three-Button Operation
    • Reverse Protection System
    • Upgradeable Escribe Software
    • Cell-by-Cell Monitoring
    • Cell Balancer
    • Atomizer Protection
    • Low Resistance Protection
    • Short Circuit Protection
    • Overheat Protection
    • Low Voltage Step Down Protection
    • Onboard Reverse Polarity Protection
    • Bottom-Feed Juice Design
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses dual 18650 batteries (batteries sold separately)
    • Micro-USB port


    Оригинальный чип Evolv DNA75
    Ширина 27 mm
    Высота 90.5 mm
    Длина 54 mm
    Вес 204 g
    Lost Vape Therion BF Squonker DNA75 TC Kit | Delirium RDA Squonk-Ready
    Original Lost Vape Therion BF DNA75 75W TC Box Mod Kit-108.21 Online Shopping| GearBest.com
    $139.00 Authentic Lost Vape Therion BF Squonker DNA75C TC VW APV Box Mod - 1-75W / 200-600'F / 1*18650 / color screen / zinc alloy + carbon fiber + leather at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $139.00 Authentic Lost Vape Therion BF Squonker DNA75C TC VW APV Box Mod - 1-75W / 200-600'F / 1*18650 / color screen / zinc alloy + wood + leather at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • Equipped with Evolv DNA75 Chipset
    • Custom genuine rare leather battery doors
    • Upgradeable Escribe software
    • Ebony wood inlays
    • Wattage adjustment: 1 – 75 watts
    • Temperature range: 200 - 600'F
    • Die cast zinc alloy box casing
    • 22mm reinforced SS 510 connector
    • Spring-loaded 510 connector with nickel-plated brass center pin
    • Integrated micro-USB on-board balanced charger
    • Bottom feeding squonker with two replaceable 11ml bottles
    • Full kit includes squonking Delirium RDA
    • Delrium RDA is a dual post velocity-style bottom-airflow RDA with PEEK insulation and multiple airflow configurations
    • Independent cell-monitoring pass-through charging capability

    Boxer Mod Classic BF Squonk Mechanical Mod - Ginger Vaper
    $124.95 – $149.95
    • Bottom Feed
    • Fully Mech Squonk Mod with virtually zero voltage drop
    • Lockable Fire Switch (to prevent accidental auto-fire)
    • Powered by a Single 18650 (not Included)
    • Rhodium Plated Beryllium Copper Contacts
    • 7ml Capacity Boxer SuperSoft Silicone Food Grade Squonk Bottle
    • Boxer Black BF 510 with Super Large Contact Area.
    • Plastic Nylon Body
    • Ergonomic design
    • Dimensions: Approx.74.5mm x 25mm x 44.9mm


    Моды (клоны)

    Мехбокс на 1х18650
    Ширина 26 mm
    Высота 76 mm
    Длина 47 mm
    Вес 150 g
    Объем бутылочки 4.5мл
    Мехбокс на 1х18650
    $57.22 ArR Styled Squonk 18650 Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 26 mm
    Высота 76 mm
    Длина 47 mm
    Вес 143 g
    Боксмод на 1х18650
    Ширина 24 mm
    Высота 74 mm
    Длина 44 mm
    Вес 88 g
    $46.95 ULTON Hellfire Cobra Styled Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / POM at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • POM construction
    • Lightweight and portable
    • Suitable for 24mm atomizer
    • Built-in 8ml silicone squonk bottle
    • Spring-loaded firing button
    • 510 threading connection
    • 49mm overall diameter
    • Power by 1*18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    Ширина 29 mm
    Высота 75 mm
    Длина 49 mm
    Вес 150 g
    $22.52 Limelight Freehand Gloom Styled Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / POM at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    The SXK Boxer Styled Box Mod is a durable regulated mod made from POM. The wattage can be varied from 5 to 200 watts with dual 18650 / 20700 batteries (NOT INCLUDED). It comes with three modes: power mode, voltage regulation mode, and mechanical mode. The squonk bottle has 7ml of juice capacity.
    • POM construction
    • Power range: 5~200W
    • Voltage output range: 1~8V
    • Input voltage: 6.6~8.4V
    • Quiescent current: below 0.1mA
    • Resistance range: 0.1~3ohm
    • Operational modes: power mode / voltage regulation mode / mechanical mode
    • Bottle capacity: 7ml
    • Short circuit protection
    • Low resistance protection
    • High resistance protection
    • Overheat protection
    • Reverse battery protection
    • Low battery voltage protection
    • High voltage protection
    • Houses dual 18650 or 20700 batteries (batteries sold separately)
    Ширина 40 mm
    Высота 85 mm
    Длина 60 mm
    Вес 114 g
    $48.90 SXK Boxer Styled 200W VV VW APV Squonk Box Mod - 5~200W / 2*18650/20700 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    • Nylon construction
    • 8ml silicone bottom feeder bottle
    • Safe lock function
    • Flip style battery access door
    • Gold plated contact plate for better conductivity
    • Spring-loaded 510 center pin
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    Ширина 24 mm
    Высота 74 mm
    Длина 46 mm
    Вес 63 g
    S-Rabbit Style Black 8ml 18650 Squonk Mechanical Box Mod
    $12.86 S-Rabbit Styled 18650 Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in squonk bottle / nylon at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $14.29 S-Rabbit Styled 18650 Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / nylon at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Материал - resin
    Ширина - 25 mm
    Высота - 77 mm
    Длина - 44.5 mm
    Вес - 69 g
    Вместимость - 8мл
    Phantohm Style Black ABS 18650 Bottom Feeder Squonk Mechanical Box Mod
    $16.25 PhantoHm Styled 18650 BF Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / resin at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Кит с дрипкой
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 78 mm
    Длина 43 mm
    Вес 130 g

    Oil Storage Black Bottom Feeder Squonk Mech Box Mod + 22mm BF RDA Kit

    Ширина - 27 mm
    Высота 80 mm
    Длина 43.5 mm
    Вместимость - 7мл
    $45.18 YFTK SVA Kimech Styled 18650 Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Ширина 24.8 mm
    Высота 74.5 mm
    Длина 44.5 mm
    Вес 83 g

    Кит с дрипкой
    $19.85 Boxer Styled 18650 Mechanical Mod Kit - 1*18650 / built-in squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Сквонк отдельно, без дрипки
    $14.95 Boxer Styled 18650 Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Оригинальный чип Evolv DNA75
    $88.95 YFTK SVA Styled 75W TC VW APV Box Mod - 1-75W / 1*18650 at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    YFTK SVA 75W Style Evolv DNA 75 Black 18650 BF TC VW Mod
    Ширина 26.7 mm
    Высота 80.5 mm
    Длина 49.7 mm
    Вес 100 g
    Объем емкости - 6.8мл
    The YFTK SVA 75W Style Bottom feeder TC VW Mod is powered by authentic Evolv DNA 75 Chip. The BF mod is with 6.8ml bottle and powered by 1 x 18650 battery (not included). The mod is with 0.91" large screen to show vaping information. The VW mod supports variable wattage from 1W to 75W and temperature control from 200'F to 600'F.
    • 510 threading connection
    • Bottom feeder / Squonk mod
    • Bottle capacity: 6.8ml
    • Delrin and carbon fiber construction
    • Authentic Evolv DNA 75 chipset
    • Variable Wattage: 1W to 75W
    • TC: 200'F~600'F
    • 0.91" Large screen
    • Powered by 1 x 18650 battery (not included)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 78 mm
    Длина 44 mm
    Вес 73 g
    Бутылочка - 8мл
    $24.96 Hidra V2 Styled BF 18650 Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / PC + carbon fiber / 8ml dropper bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Ширина 24 mm
    Высота 72.5 mm
    Длина 42 mm
    Вес 53 g
    $14.59 FrankenSkull Styled 18650 Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / PC at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping


    Нуждается в допиле. Бутылочка - под замену.
    Ширина - 24 mm
    Высота 73 mm
    Длина 42 mm
    Клон ASAP от YFTK. Заявлено, что 3D-принт из ABS пластика
    $46.41 YFTK ASAP Styled Bottom Feeder Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - ABS / 1*18650 / built-in 6ml squonk bottle at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    YFTK ASAP Style Black ABS 18650 BF Squonking Mechanical Box Mod
    Мехмод. Кит с дрипкой. Стаб. дерево, 8мл бутылочка
    Вес 123g
    Длина 48mm
    Высота (с дрипкой) 112mm
    Ширина 28mm
    VGME Style Stabilized Wood 8ml BF Squonk Mechanical Box Mod + RDA Kit
    • ABS + aluminum + 316 steel construction
    • 11ml silicone bottom feeder bottle
    • Battery sleeves can be changed
    • Leaking proof
    • Liquid flow/bottle softness adjustable
    • Spring load fire button
    • 510 threading connection
    • Houses single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    Ширина 26 mm
    Высота 80 mm
    Длина 50 mm
    Вес 110 g
    Мехмод под формат 18650/20700
    • Delrin and stainless steel construction
    • Super soft squonk bottle
    • Convenient design to take off the bottle
    • Cracked grain pattern on both sides
    • Ultem fire button
    • Ergonomic design that suits your palm
    • 510 threading connection
    • Powered by 1*18650/20700 battery (not included)
    Ширина 29 mm
    Высота 78 mm
    Длина 48 mm
    Вес 180 g
    $49.95 YFTK Venom X Styled BF Squonk Mechanical Mod - 1*18650/20700 / POM + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Материал корпуса - алюминий. Формат аккумулятора - 18650
    Вес - 153g
    Длина - 52mm
    Вісота - 89mm
    Ширина - 25mm
    Fire Phoenix Style Silver Aluminum 18650 4ml BF Squonk Box Mod
    $17.80 Fire-phoenix Styled 18650 Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 4ml squonk bottle / aluminum at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Вес - 74g
    Длина - 47mm
    Вісота - 90mm
    Ширина - 26.5mm
    Terminator Style White 10ml BF Bottom Feeder Squonk Mechanical Mod
    ABS-пластик, блокировка кнопки
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 75 mm
    Длина 45 mm
    Вес 73 g
    $17.16 Octopus Styled 18650 Squonk Mechanical Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 6ml squonk bottle / ABS at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Мехмод из POM и латуни под 18650 или 20700
    Ширина 28 mm
    Высота 86 mm
    Длина 53 mm
    Вес 200 g
    $24.17 Underground Styled 18650/20700 BF Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650/1*20700 / built-in 8ml squonk bottle / brass + POM at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    ABS-пластик. Емкость бутылочки 7.5мл
    Ширина 25 mm
    Высота 72.5 mm
    Длина 45 mm
    Вес 55 g
    $16.93 GOON Squonker Styled 18650 Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - 1*18650 / built-in 7ml squonk bottle / ABS at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Останнє редагування: 23.04.2020
    serg_z, Tugarin, alkon та 5 іншим подобається це.
  4. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    Бутылочки, Аксессуары

    HCigar VT Inbox (оригинал)

    $2.20 Authentic HCigar VT Inbox Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (5-Pack) 5-pack - 8ml / PE at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    мягкие, с крышкой :good:

    Eleaf Pico Squeeze PC Bottle (оригинал)
    $3.10 Authentic Eleaf Pico Squeeze PC Bottle (10-Pack) 10-pack at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    средней жесткости

    Squonk Bottle for FrankenSkull Mechanical Mod (клон)

    $3.83 Replacement Squonk Bottle for FrankenSkull Mechanical Mod (5-Pack) 5-pack - PP / 8ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Жесткие, протекают, нуждаются в допиле (оринг под крышку на резьбу и изоляцию под трубочку). К покупке не рекомендуется!


    Diameter: 17,5 mm
    High: 38,5 mm + 7 mm cup
    SUPERSOFT (BOTTLE BF 8,5 ML ) - tuttaltrofumo sas
    Super Soft Squonk Bottles
    Supersoft Bottle

    Знаменитые итальянские силиконовые супер-софт бутылочки. Считаются лучшими. Но цена ... да ... :xz:

    SuperSoft Bottles by Vapor Bagarre
    Страница группы в FB - Vapor Bagarre
    Суперсофт бутылочки от Vapor Bagarre. По цене информации, к сожалению не имею.

    YFTK Replacement Dropper Bottle for SVA 75W (клон)
    $19.33 YFTK Replacement Dropper Bottle for SVA 75W Style BF Squonk Box Mod (5-Pack) 5-pack - 6.8ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Диаметр - 18мм, Высота - 48мм. Вместимость - 6.8мл. Материал - силикон

    Силиконовые бутылочки от YFTK. Очень мягкие. Реально силиконовые. Без посторонних запахов. Качественно сделаны. Думаю, составят неслабую конкуренцию итальянцам :think:Как по мне - излишне мягкие. Чуть сильнее надавить и перелив обеспечен :) Трубочка с большим запасом

    YFTK Replacement Dropper Bottle for SVA 75W Style BF Squonk Box Mod
    Диаметр - 17.5 mm
    Высота - 45.7 mm
    Емкость - 7мл
    $3.73 YFTK Replacement Dropper Bottle for SVA 75W Style BF Squonk Box Mod - 7ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic KangerTech Spare Bottle for DRIPBOX (оригинал)
    Диаметр - 19мм
    Высота - 43мм
    Вместимость - 7мл
    $3.31 Authentic KangerTech Spare Bottle for DRIPBOX (5-Pack) 5-pack - 7ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic Lost Vape Spare Bottle for Drone / Therion BF (оригинал)
    Диаметр 18 mm
    Высота 60 mm
    Вместимость - 11мл
    $6.26 Authentic Lost Vape Spare Bottle for Drone / Therion BF (5-Pack) 5-pack - 11ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic YiLoong Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (оригинал)
    Высота 60 mm
    Диаметр 20 mm
    Вместимость 13мл
    $16.07 Authentic YiLoong Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (5-Pack) 5-pack - silicone / 13ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic YiLoong Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle
    Диаметр 18 mm
    Высота 48.5 mm
    Силикон, 8мл
    $6.54 Authentic YiLoong Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle - silicone / 8ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $6.54 Authentic YiLoong Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle - silicone / 8ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Replacement E-juice Bottle for Icarus Style Squonk Mechanical Box (клон)
    Диаметр 17mm (0.67 inch)
    Высота 46mm (1.81 inch)
    Replacement PE 4ml E-juice Bottle for Icarus Style Squonk Mech Box Mod

    Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle

    Диаметр 17.5 mm
    Высота 46.5 mm
    $3.70 Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (5-Pack) 5-pack - 4ml / PE at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $2.09 Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle - 7ml / PE / for SVA Kimech/XBOX-01/FrankenSkull mod at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    SJMY Super Soft Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod
    Диаметр 18 mm
    Высота 44.5 mm
    Вместимость - 6мл
    $6.41 SJMY Super Soft Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 6ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    разноцветные :)
    $6.43 SJMY Super Soft Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 6ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $6.43 SJMY Super Soft Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 6ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $6.43 SJMY Super Soft Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 6ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Силиконовые супер-софт бутылочки от SJMY

    MM Squonker Bottle Kit (оригинал)
    Кастомные полиэтиленовые бутылочки от ModMaker
    Диаметр - 17.5мм
    Высота - 44.5мм
    Вместимость - 8мл
    MM Squonker Bottle Kit

    MM 6ml Rectangular Bottles

    Маленькие компактные мягкие полиэтиленовые бутылочки квадратного сечения. Отверстие в крышке отсутствует - проделывать придется самостоятельно. Идеальны для мелких компактных сквоков (типа френки)
    Длина грани - 15мм
    Высота с крышкой - 40мм
    Вместимость - 6мл
    6ml Rectangular Bottles

    Stentorian RAM Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (оригинал)
    Диаметр - 15мм
    Высота - 35мм
    Вместимость - 7мл
    Материал - PET

    Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod
    Длина, ширина - 18мм
    Высота - 46мм
    Вместимость - 8.5мл
    $5.73 Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 8.5ml / silicone + 316 stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (почти полукруг, силикон)
    Диаметр 17-17.5 mm
    Высота 62 mm
    $3.55 Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle - 8ml / Silicone / for SVA Kimech/XBOX-01/FrankenSkull mod at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic PilotVape Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle
    Диаметр - 18мм
    Высота - 45мм
    Вместимость - 6мл
    $3.17 Authentic PilotVape Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle - 6ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic GeekVape Replacement Squonk Bottle for Athena Squonk Mod
    Диаметр 18 mm
    Высота 46 mm
    $4.02 Authentic GeekVape Replacement Squonk Bottle for Athena Squonk Mod - 6.5ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic Lost Vape Squonk Bottle for Therion BF DNA75C Mod
    Диаметр 15 mm
    Высота 35 mm
    Объем 7мл
    $5.91 Authentic Lost Vape Squonk Bottle for Therion BF DNA75C Mod - 7ml / silicone + metal at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Iwodevape Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod 6мл
    Диаметр - 18мм
    Высота 45.5мм
    $27.76 Iwodevape Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod (4 Pieces) 4-pack - authentic / 6ml / silicone / ships one of each color at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $7.64 Authentic Iwodevape Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 6ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Iwodevape Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod 8.5мл
    Грань - 18мм
    Высота - 46.5мм
    $24.50 Iwodevape Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod (4-Pack) 4-pack - authentic / 8.5ml / silicone / ships one of each color at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $6.75 Authentic Iwodevape Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 8.5ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for PhantoHm Mod
    7мл, силикон
    Высота - 46мм
    Диаметр - 17.7мм
    $3.26 Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for PhantoHm Mod (5-Pack) 5-pack - 7ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic VGME Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod
    8мл, силикон
    Высота - 46мл
    Диаметр - 18мл
    $2.60 Authentic VGME Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 8ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic Vandy Vape Squonk Bottle for Pulse BF Mod
    8мл, силикон, разные цветовые решения
    Высота - 42.8мм
    Диаметр - 20мм
    $4.01 Authentic Vandy Vape Squonk Bottle for Pulse BF Mod - 8ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Silicone Dropper Bottle for E-liquid
    8мл, силикон
    Высота - 47.5мм
    Диаметр - 17.5мм
    $6.21 Silicone Dropper Bottle for E-liquid (3 Pieces) 3-pack - 8ml / each color ships one at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic Vpdam Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle
    7мл, силикон
    диаметр - 17.5мм
    высота - 45.7мм
    $4.59 Authentic Vpdam Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle - 7ml / random colors at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    17мл, силикон
    диаметр - 18мм
    высота - 50мм
    $5.73 Authentic Vpdam Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle - 17ml / random colors at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic Clrane Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle
    8мл, PE
    Длина 15.5 mm
    Высота (с трубочкой) 75.5 mm
    $2.54 Authentic Clrane Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (2-Pack) 2-pack - 8ml / PE / square at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (квадратная)
    Длина 15.5 mm
    Высота (с трубочкой) 65 mm
    $1.97 Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle (2-Pack) 2-pack - 8ml / PP / square at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    YFTK Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod
    Диаметр 19 mm
    Высота 84.5 mm
    Емкость 8мл
    $4.02 YFTK Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 8ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod
    Диаметр - 18мм
    Высота - 44мм
    Вместимость 8мл
    $9.08 Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod (5-Pack) 5-pack - 8ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic HCigar Magic Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle
    Диаметр - 18мм
    Высота указана с трубочкой :( - 84мм
    Вместимость - 7 мл
    $2.31 Authentic HCigar Magic Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle - 7ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod
    Диаметр 17.7мм
    Высота 59.5мм
    $8.42 Replacement Bottom Feeder Bottle for BF Squonk Mod (4 Pieces) 4-pack - 8ml / silicone / glow in the dark / ships one of each color at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    AOLVAPE Silicone Bottom Feeder Squonk Bottle
    Диаметр - 18мм
    Высота - 78мм (с трубочкой)
    Вместимость - 8мл
    $2.29 AOLVAPE Silicone Bottom Feeder Squonk Bottle - 8ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping


    Authentic Vandy Vape Squonk Bottle for Pulse BF 80W Mod
    Диаметр - 18мм
    Высота - 45мм
    8мл, силикон
    $3.53 Authentic Vandy Vape Squonk Bottle for Pulse BF 80W Mod - 8ml / silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Раздел магазина FastTech с большим ассортиментом бутылочек для сквонков - E-Liquid Bottles

    Сравнение бутылочек от Михаила Michaeldoc69
    Боттомфидер-моды (squonk-моды). Выбор и обсуждение.

    BF коннекторы

    Lost Vape Squonk / Bottom Fed 510 Connector
    Squonk Parts - Modparts.co.uk
    MM510 Squonker Connector
    VT 510 - Bottom Feeding 510 - Self-Adjusting or Manual
    Fat Daddy Vapes 510 Connector: Version 4 Low Profile lang, 22mm: Amazon.de: Drogerie & Körperpflege
    Fat Daddy Vapes 510 v5 Bottom Feeder Connector

    Replacement 510 BF Connector for Icarus Style Squonk Mechanical Mod
    $1.99 Replacement Stainless Steel 510 Adapter for Icarus Mechanical Mod at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Stimy 2017 New 510 V5connector For Squonk Box Mod - Buy Vape 510 Connector,510 Connector 22mm,Squonk Box Mod Product on Alibaba.com (фото)
    $4.10 Replacement Stainless Steel + Brass 510 Mechanical Mod Adapter - for SVA Kimech/XBOX-01/FrankenSkull mod at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping (фото)
    $5.26 Replacement Stainless Steel + Brass 510 Mechanical Mod Adapter - adjustable at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $5.49 Spring Loaded Bottom feeder for Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - stainless steel + brass / 22mm dia. at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $5.49 Spring Loaded Bottom feeder for Squonk Mechanical Box Mod - stainless steel + brass / 22mm dia. at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $1.76 Replacement 510 Connector w/ Solder Ring Terminal - 304 stainless steel / for bottom feeder mod at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $5.64 Replacement Bottom Feeder 510 Connector for Mechanical Box Mod - 316 stainless steel + brass at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Сравнение коннекторов от Михаила Michaeldoc69
    Боттомфидер-моды (squonk-моды). Выбор и обсуждение.

    Бутылочки для заправки

    YFTK 510 Central Silicone Dropper Bottle
    $6.71 YFTK 510 Central Silicone Dropper Bottle - 316 stainless steel cap / 30ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    316 SS + силикон
    Емкость - 30мл

    YFTK 510 Central PE Dropper Bottle
    $4.53 YFTK 510 Central PE Dropper Bottle - 30ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    Емкость - 30мл



    YFTK 510 Central Silicone Dropper Bottle
    $7.02 YFTK 510 Central Silicone Dropper Bottle - 316 stainless steel cap / 15ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    YFTK 510 Central Dripping Dropper Bottle for BF Bottom Feeder Squonk Mod
    Диаметр 22.5 mm
    Высота 97 mm
    15мл. Силикон. Крышка - поликарбонат
    $7.72 YFTK 510 Central Dripping Dropper Bottle for BF Bottom Feeder Squonk Mod - PC cap / 15ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic Lost Vape Squonk Bottle for Therion BF DNA75C Mod
    Объем - 30мл
    $8.22 Authentic Lost Vape Squonk Bottle for Therion BF DNA75C Mod - 30ml / silicone + metal at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Iwodevape 510 Central PE Dropper Bottle
    Объем - 30мл. Материал - PE
    $3.92 Iwodevape 510 Central PE Dropper Bottle - stainless steel cap / 30ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic GeekVape Flask Liquid Dispenser for BF Squonk Mod
    8мл(?), силикон + SS
    $29.80 Authentic GeekVape Flask Liquid Dispenser for BF Squonk Mod - 8ml / stainless steel + silicone at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Stentorian Squonk Refill Bottle 30ml
    Диаметр 21 mm
    Высота 98 mm
    $10.01 Stentorian Replacement Squonk Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 30ml / silicone + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic Clrane Mechanical Mod Replacement Squonk Bottle
    30мл, PE

    Iwodevape 510 Central PE Dropper Bottle (60мл)
    PE 60ml
    Диаметр 35 mm
    Высота 110 mm
    $4.84 Iwodevape 510 Central PE Dropper Bottle - stainless steel cap / 60ml at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    Authentic Vandy Vape 510 Central Refill Bottle for BF Squonk Mod
    Диаметр 32 mm
    Высота 97 mm
    Объем 50мл
    $8.68 Authentic Vandy Vape 510 Central Refill Bottle for BF Squonk Mod - 50ml / silicone + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping


    MM Squonker Refill System
    Комплект из
    1 x 30ml Long Unicorn Bottle + Tip & Lid
    1 x 30ml Short Unicorn Bottle + Tip & Lid
    1 x Length of 4mm OD x 2mm ID Silicone Tubing
    1 x MM Squonker Refill System Stainless Steel Lid System
    MM Squonker Refill System

    Раздел магазина ModMaker с аксессуарами для сквонков (бутылочки, коннектора, BF-пины, уплотнительные колечки, трубочки и т.п.)
    Squonk Parts
    Останнє редагування: 01.08.2018
    serg_z та Tugarin подобається це.
  5. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    Коллеги! Эта тема создана для обмена информацией, не стесняйтесь в ней выкладывать интересные на ваш взгляд сквонки (из ФБ, например, кто подписан на моддерские группы и тп., с других площадок) - общее ж дело делаем :)
    patriot_zp подобається це.
  6. indus

    indus Vape Lama Друзья форума

    отмечу одну из новинок сквонк-системы от итальянской компании RSS Mods.
    плата ДНА 75 работает на аккумах 26650 и 18650, накручиваются атомайзеры до 26 мм, форм-фактор - тубус на 1 аккум.
    цена... цена убила - 700 долларов.
    Интересная интерпретация BF-мода в виде мех-мода от итальянских модеров
    plsn подобається це.
  7. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    кстати, очень редкий формат сквонка
    Останнє редагування: 10.05.2017
  8. indus

    indus Vape Lama Друзья форума

    вот мне как раз такой формат очень нравится своей компактностью. коробками наигрался, хотя у них есть свои плюсы.
    за разумные деньги таких тубусов не встречал, почему то делаются только М и S класс.:think:
  9. plsn

    plsn Шаман


    вот, к примеру, указка под 14500

    ProMec BF
    ProMec BF 14500 Full Kit by G&G Lab



    Длина: 130 mm
    Диаметр: 17 mm
  10. Bogdan

    Bogdan Досвiдчений

    Взгляд на вопрос уважаемых моддеров из Boost Lab

    С интересом следил в ФБ за развитием проекта Alt E- сквонк-мехмода к их замечательной дрипке Shift BF. Как по мне- получилась весьма неплохая и изящная парительная связка формата BF

    Больше - Ласкаво просимо до Facebook

    Мне, как парильщику, который использует генезис как основной и по сути единственный испаритель, был интересен сэтап на сетке Shift BF :)

    Если китайцы раскачаются на хороший клон связки- прекрасный повод самому составить впечатление и попробовать концепцию :)

    Tapatalk on Razr M
    Tugarin, vokarv та plsn подобається це.
  11. plsn

    plsn Шаман

  12. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    Не могу не упомянуть - механический сквонк от ребят с есигталка - Skipper

    По мотивам FrankenSkull ... :)


    К сожалению, разработка прекращена. Но определенная партия товара была продана и теперь встречается в продажах на вторичке.
    [продам] Skipper - тема продаж Российского механического сквонка
    vokarv та indus подобається це.
  13. Шихад

    Шихад Живу я тут Друзья форума

    О-о. Не видел. Хорошая тема! Как раз ищу себе сквонк)))
  14. Bogdan

    Bogdan Досвiдчений

    In'Ax в формате BF.
    Обещают релиз на следующей неделе :)

    ATHEA Mods отписался в своём FВ.

    Китайцам правда будет врятли интересно клон к сожалению.


    Tapatalk on Razr M
    vokarv та plsn подобається це.
  15. whitepuzo

    whitepuzo Досвiдчений

    Почему? In'Sаin же SXK склонировали) Может и до In'Ax дойдут руки.

    Вообще сквонки- классная тема! Сам пользую клон FrankenSkull'a совсем недавно, но прелесть данного формата уже оценил! Особенно в паре с односпиральной маленькой дрипкой. У меня стоит Hadaly клон от SXK. Компактность, более экономно по батарее, запас жижи с собой тягать не приходится, вкууусно! :)
    В общем одни плюсы, раньше сознательно отказался от пользования дрипок, т.к. неудобства (закапывания и таскание бутылочек с любимыми жидкостями бесило), для меня лично перевешивали. Сейчас пользую сквонк мод, рад и счастлив! Всем кто ещё не попробовал сквонки, очень рекомендую!
    Останнє редагування: 21.05.2017
    plsn подобається це.
  16. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    Tugarin та vokarv подобається це.
  17. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    vokarv подобається це.
  18. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    3D printed squonker 80w predator box mod

    Китайский 3D принт сквонк (утверждается, что первый китайский :) ) от Yiloong на 80вт

    *Dimensions: 84.5*26*56mm
    *3D printed technology
    *Regulated squonking style box mod
    *Black color
    *80w output
    *Copper 510 contact
    *Nylon material
    *Requires one single 18650 battery (battery sold separately)
    *Removeable 13ml capacity bottle



    China 3D printed squonker 80 predator box mod -Jiangmen Yiloong Industrial Co., Ltd.

    ценник - $40-60, минималка - 5 штук ...
    whitepuzo та vokarv подобається це.
  19. Lunar

    Lunar Крепко жму....

    plsn подобається це.
  20. plsn

    plsn Шаман

    Да, наклепали они их неслабо, на любой вкус и цвет :) Правда ценник явно завышен :nea:

    Другой вопрос - что там и как собрано внутри. К слову, у клона Гидры - все очень печально. Качество первых партий оставляет желать лучшего, дальше они вроде сменили материал корпуса, но вот контактная группа ... на фото под спойлером пример

    От Михаила из USA

    ну и результаты уже есть - у одного "счастливчика" уже коротнул. Почему счастливчика - обошлось ожогом руки. Фото он уже удалил, показать нечего
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